Meet Calyne


My name is Calyne Skolney (She/Her). I live on Treaty 4 Territory and honoured to work, live and heal on this land. I continue to work towards deeper connection to the land, paying respect to the ancestors of this land and devoted to reconciliation.

I am a compassionate Registered Social Worker with over eight years of experience walking alongside clients to restore health and well-being, while working in many different positions within the health care system and community settings.  I’m passionate about supporting individuals, families, and couples from a holistic, trauma informed and strengths-based lens.

My passions include helping others gain further awareness about the mind body connection, find further balance and grounding while processing emotions and allowing further abundance and happiness into one’s life. I will meet fellow travelers where they are at and support them along their journey, as stated by Ram Dass “we’re all just walking each other home”.

My Core Values:

Authenticity, mindfulness + connection, compassion, fun, courage + vulnerability
My Path

As young child I remember the loved taking picture of the sky, I would get lost in nature and spent most of my days exploring and playing outside with my older siblings. Adventure, exploration and connecting with the land was important to me before I knew how much healing power nature holds.

I struggled with my mental health and physical wellbeing as an adolescent and was supported greatly by a social worker who assisted in bringing further awareness and consciousness to myself and my existence on this earth. I do believe it was in my teenage years I knew wholeheartedly I wanted to spend my life helping other people to discover themselves further.

I went through a spiritual awakening in 2019 and knew I wanted to devote my life to finding further balance and peace while working with others to acquire the same. I dove into many holistic healing modalities, connected with a great psychologist and became more conscious of the ego, states of survival and what living in homeostasis felt like. In caring for myself further I have been able to show up further for others in my life and those who I am lucky enough to cross paths with. My compassionate spirit and caring heart allow me to connect with others and my devotion to continued personal growth, awareness and consciousness assists in being a catalyst for others along their own healing journey.

I believe as humans we have the capacity to change, with further awareness we can make different choices in this life and live a more authentic, aligned, healthy and abundant existence. Being human isn’t easy but when you have a tribe, others in your life to help ease the load and burdens you can thrive more often than just living in states of survival.

Formal Education + Training

What I’ve Done

  • Bachelors of Social Work – University of Regina
  • Counselling in Relationship – Crisis & Trauma Resource Institute
  • Trauma Conference: The Body Keeps the Score- Trauma Healing Through the Senses with Bessel Van Der Kolk, MD – PESI
  • CBT Essentials Training
  • A Hungry Ghost: A Biopsychosocial Perspective on Addictions Dr. Gabor Mate
  • Better Outcomes Now – PCOMS Training Barry Duncan
  • Vicarious Trauma – An Indigenous Perspective Deanna Jones-Kesshig
  • Trauma Informed Mindfulness
  • Practical Intervention Strategies for Depression/ Practical Intervention Strategies for Anxiety/Mental Health Concerns in Children and Youth – Crisis & Trauma Resources Institute
  • Postpartum Anxiety, Rage and Burnout: Compassionate Clinical Strategies to Keep Mom and Baby Safe and Thriving PESI
  • ASIST & PART Training
  • Mental Health First Aid First Nations
  • Reiki Level I/II – Reiki Master Abigail Howson
  • Many other hours spent reading books, watching webinars, attending conferences and courses on holistic healing and wellbeing, learning about many different mental health challenges and healing modalities. Attended numerous yoga classes, ceremonies, sweat lodges and moon ceremonies.

What I’m Doing

  • Integrative Sex and Couples Certification Training with Tammy Nelson: Certified Sex Therapy Informed Professional Course PESI

  • Clinical Application of Polyvagal Theory in Trauma Treatment with Stephen Porges & Deb Dana: Integrating the Science of Safety, Trust, Self Regulation and Attachment – PESI
  • The Unravelling Group Therapy – This Human Thing
  • Reading: ‘Letting Go – The Pathway to Surrender’ by David Hawkins

What I’d Love To Do

  • Internal Family Systems (IFS) Training – Richard Swartz, Ph.D.
  • 200 Hr Yoga and Ayurveda Teacher Training – Wilkie Wellness
  • Courses through Wild Rose College of Herbal Medicine
  • Herbalism & Natural Medicine Courses
  • EMDR Training
  • Hypnotherapy Certification
  • Masters of Education in Counselling Psychology
Personal Work

As a fellow traveller in this journey of life, I am also on my own path of healing and growth. This is some of the on-going work I am involved in:

  • Four years of therapy with psychologist & numerous different counsellors
    Group therapy sessions and therapeutic book clubs
  • 21 Day Manifestation challenge / 14 Day Relationship Challenge – Gabby Bernstein
  • Intuitive healers and body workers such as reflexologist, massage therapist, acupuncturist, reiki masters, kambo practitioners, naturopaths, Elders etc.  
  • Yoga, meditations, inspirational readings, tarot, breathwork, daily gratitude.
Job Titles
  • I am a registered social worker with the Saskatchewan Association of Social Workers (Registration #3578)

What You Can Expect of Me:

I am knowledgeable in child development, intergenerational trauma, PTSD, addictions, healthy relationships and maternal mental health. I am passionate about helping others manage issues surrounding work life balance, anxiety, depression, emotional regulation, grief and loss, self-esteem/self- acceptance and relationships.

Understanding the importance of client therapist relationship and connection, I strive to provide a safe and welcoming space for individuals. I will support you from an empathetic, trauma-informed, strength-based and culturally competent perspective to assist you along your journey to further healing and balance. 

I am known by many for my welcoming presence and positive attitude.

work with me

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