Meet Robyn


Hi! I’m Robyn Michon (she/her).

I’m a Certified Life Coach and I specialize in coaching on relationships.

I’m a mom to one young adult human and a few cats. I love being in relationship with people and having close connections.

In my work we explore all kinds of relationships – how we interact with family, our parents, being a parent, dating, friends, and long term partnerships. I love how relationships can teach us SO much about ourselves and how relationships are always changing. It makes coaching on relationships so interesting and meaningful.

Clients have described me as being warm and have said “you get it.” I coach from a logical side, where I teach you theories and tools to help you better understand what’s happening in your relationships but I also coach from a side of warmth and understanding (because I’ve struggled I really do get it!). My goal is to demonstrate what a healthy relationship looks like in my interactions with clients so you have that example to then use in your own relationships.

Outside of work, I love to workout. You can find me paddleboarding on Wascana in the summer and lifting some weights inside in the winter.

My Core Values:
Curiosity, Openness, and a willingness to face a challenge.

My Path

I was terrible at relationships.

I’d attach to people way too soon. I’d lose myself trying everything I could to make a relationship work and end up sacrificing other parts of my life. I’d spend hours on the phone trying to work through an issue with a partner but it only made things worse. Breakups felt like agony. I didn’t know why I couldn’t get over someone or how to get them to love me. It was AWFUL. 

And I knew I didn’t want to live like that. Relationships were too important to me to keep doing them how I was doing them. It was causing too much pain and I knew I had to figure out what I was doing wrong.

So I did figure it out.

I went to therapists, to coaches, to energy workers.

And the things that really worked and changed how I show up in relationships are the things I teach my clients now.

I am still someone who’s always learning and growing in different relationships – with my family, as a parent, as a friend, partner, etc. That’s the goal of this journey – not to be perfect and have it all figured out – but to gain the skills you need in order to be able to figure it out.

Formal Education + Training
  • Certified Life Coach with The Life Coach School 2014
  • Motivational Interviewing Training 2022

What You Can Expect of Me:

We are a team. You are the expert on you and your situation. I bring in expertise on relationships, understanding of why people do what they do and tools you can use to improve relationships. Then we work together to figure out what will work best for you in your situation.

We give you choices. We give you options. We give you the tools you need to create the relationships you want. 

work with me
102-1170 Broad Street
Regina, SK
S4R 1X8

LGBTQ2S+ and BIPOC people are welcomed and supported ♥

we work, live + play on Treaty 4 territory, the ancestral lands of the nêhiyawak (Cree), Anihšināpēk (Saulteaux), Dakota, Lakota, and Nakoda, and the homeland of the Métis/Michif Nation. 

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