Offerings for

It is our intention to focus our offerings on the whole person and all of the parts that make up the whole.

While each guide has their own approach, we are collectively influenced by humanistic, existential, somatic, psychodynamic, and depth-oriented paradigms.

We offer one-on-one services to kids, teens and adults.

Our services are available over video or the phone to Saskatchewan and/or Canadian residents, or in person (currently only in Regina, SK). We also offer walk-and-talk options for applicable services.

Services that we offer…


integrative therapy. 

Therapy that is tailored to you. These sessions incorporate a variety of different approaches based on your specific healing needs and interests.


accessible therapy.

Counselling services that are offered at a reduced rate or pro bono by one of our Masters- or Doctoral-level therapists-in-training.


embodied healing sessions.

A 90-minute process that aims to enhance mind-body-psyche connection through a series of modalities, including somatic work, yoga, breathwork, art + expressive arts.


psychedelic integration therapy.

We can support you in preparing for an upcoming plant medicine journey, or in unpacking and integrating a journey you have already had. This service is supportive to reduce harm, explore risks and benefits, set intentions, break patterns and process your psychedelic experiences.


360° holistic care planning.

Meet with a whole team of professionals who will surround you with their attention, care and wisdom. This carefully curated team will listen carefully to your story and work together to help you understand and heal the root cause of your concerns, providing you with a holistic healing plan. 


therapeutic yoga.

1-on-1 yoga sessions that support mind-body-psyche healing by incorporating breathwork (pranayama), meditation (dyana), yoga postures + movement (asana) + self-reflection. This work is focused on healing mental + emotional health (including anxiety, burnout, depression, trauma, grief, body shame + disordered eating).


birth and death support.

Receive support through life’s profound and sacred transitions of birth and death. Our compassionate doulas will walk with you through these portals, supporting you to stay open and awake to your experience. 


therapeutic assessment.

A comprehensive assessment that focuses on uncovering the  root cause of your challenges, offering a whole-person perspective to allow you to better understand yourself and guide your healing and recovery. 

If you would like to learn more about each practitioner’s formal training, credentials or approach, please visit the About The Guides page.

Human experiences we Can Support With…


intra-personal experiences
(relating to Self)

trauma + wounding;
fear, stress, overwhelm + burnout;
deep sadness,
grief + loss;
emotional regulation + self-soothing;
shame, anger, and intense emotions,
addiction, numbing and unconscious patterns;
suicidal ideation + self-harm;
(dis)embodiment (disconnection from the body), body image, + disordered eating;
chronic pain and illness;
purpose + creativity; core beliefs;
self-actualization, growth and development


interpersonal experiences
(relating to others)

connection + communication;
safety, conflict + abuse;
sensuality and sexuality;
judgment (from or towards others);
caregiving and parenting;
coping with oppression;
identifying/expressing needs + boundaries


transpersonal experiences
(relating beyond) 

existential crisis;
spiritual experiences + emergencies;
non-ordinary + higher states of consciousness; 
psychedelic integration *

*We do not provide substances to you. Our work is to support integration of your experiences and reduce risk of harm.

If you are looking to heal in community, you will find many groups, workshops + yoga classes for mental health over at our ‘parent’ company, This Human Thing.

work with us

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